Great Steps for the proper Android Mobile Now


In recent years, buying a cell phone has become a complex task. The only thing you are sure of is that you want to renew your cell phone. Discover our 5 tips to buy the smartphone you need!The purchase of a smartphone should not be taken lightly. It is best to do it step by step. It is useless to go directly to the comparison of mobile phones!

The Operating System

The operating system is the most important software on your android mobile, which allows other programs to work. This is the “language” that your smartphone is talking about. You have probably heard of Mac OS, Linux or Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (and 8, and 10). They are computer systems, just like there are mobile operating systems. The main ones are:

Google Android

It is the most popular and the most widespread (almost 90% market share). This is the one worn by major brands (Samsung, Sony, LGand Motorola.).

Advantages: Anyone can program apps for Android. That’s why there are so many different applications, often free. It is also much more customizable than other systems.

In fact, each company often incorporates what they call the Android customization layer, by varying the characteristics, design, and applications specific to the mobile manufacturer. So, if you have the chance to try the interface before you buy it to make sure it convinces you, so much the better.

This is the system in which you will find the cheapest mobile phones. But there are also mobile phones at prices as high as you can imagine. It all depends on the use you want to make. Sell Your Apple Mac

Against: The open source of Android is a double-edged sword, because it facilitates the introduction of viruses. Another problem is that Android updates take longer to arrive and are sometimes interrupted by smartphone manufacturers a year after the release of the model.

  • Apple iOS
  • This is the Apple operating system (that of iPhones and iPads)

Advantages: It is a very robust system because Apple develops both hardware and software.

In iOS, the intuitive interface is also distinguished by its design and simplicity. It rarely bumps and the touch fluidity is impeccable. The ecosystem of iOS applications, accessories and device compatibility are its other advantages. The number of applications is slightly lower than that of Android, but the quality and compatibility are generally higher.

The Processor

This is what could be called the “brain” of the phone. This is one of the most important in terms of performance.

It’s good to look at how many kernels you have. Theoretically, the more processors there are, the faster it is. For basic use, a two-core processor is sufficient. But if you want to get the most out of your phone (with spectacular video games, for example), the quads significantly boost performance.You may have also seen the GHz (Gigahertz) it works with. It’s a measure of performance, but a faster processor does not always make the phone faster, because other features like RAM or storage influence it.

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The table that hobbles, a floor that creaks, the door that touches the floor are just some of the small damages that you can repair yourself at home with a little time and some tools.

It is best to do a test in an area that is out of sight to see if the color is right, and then spread it in circular motions with a gauze pad. If the indentation is deep, it must be filled with wax, which can be heated with a lighter to facilitate the work, and leveled using a spatula.

How to prevent parquet from creaking

The most normal thing is that, with the passage of time, the wood has become too dry and when contracting the boards that make up the floor, they sound when they are stepped on. If so, the solution is simple: just pass a wet mop that will provide the moisture you need, removing the excess water immediately so it does not deteriorate.

You can inject it with the help of a gun if you have one, or with a syringe.

A more uniform platform

In the floors and older floors, due to changes in temperature that contract and expand the wood, there may be spaces between the slats that make cleaning difficult. The problem is solved by making a paste with sawdust and glue, and filling all the grooves well with a spatula. Once dry, you only have to remove the excess. The use of the reliable singapore home improvement comes useful here. You would get the fine support and the perfection of the professionals here and that also within a very short amount of time. You can sure get the perfection here now.

Change the joints of the tiles

Repairing and bleaching the joints of a ceramic floor is not complicated. To make it perfect, the first thing to do is completely remove the old grout by passing a hard brush. Then make a new one mixing white cement and water until you get a homogeneous paste, but not very thick.

Before applying it is important that you moisten the entire surface well and then spread it with a spatula. After 20 minutes you can remove the excess by cleaning the tiles with a damp sponge.

A door that touches the ground

The problem when a door rubs against the floor is usually on the hinges, and is corrected by tightening or changing the screws for longer ones. It may also be due to swelling due to moisture, or accumulated dirt in the base. In these cases the most useful thing is to pass a sheet of sandpaper under the door and sand it a little.